Is Mental Math Cards Games & Tips Down?

Want to improve your math skills with out having to memorize a hundred tricks? Mental Math Cards is designed to help people of all ages and skill levels improve their arithmetic abilities through easy to remember (and use) tips, practice question sets, and an addictive game. Unlike many other math apps, advanced problems are also supported to keep things challenging as your skills improve

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Game Excerpt

Mental Math Cards Games & Tips, Is Mental Math Cards Games & Tips game Down? Is Mental Math Cards Games & Tips Down?
Game description
Want to improve your math skills with out having to memorize a hundred tricks? Mental Math Cards is designed to help people of all ages and skill levels improve their arithmetic abilities through easy to remember (and use) tips, practice question sets, and an addictive game. Unlike many other math apps, advanced problems are also supported to keep things challenging as your skills improve. Mental Math Cards is fully integrated with Game Center - providing both Leaderboards and Achievements. The Game Center features allow you to test your skills against the rest of the world and to share your scores and accomplishments with friends. Mental Math Cards provides step by step instructions on how to approach solving all of the problems it shows - for all operations and difficulty levels. Each difficulty level for each operation type is carefully thought out to build on the skills mastered in previous levels. For instance, hard multiplication problems are shown to be solvable by breaking p...

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