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doesnt load
While the game is launching it just stops and closes the window. Plz help.
Game glitch causing the server to crash
While playing a march or idling in hamger game freezes
I can’t get into the game
Ko đăng nhập đc mech arena bằng mạng wifi.Mặc dù wifi tui mạnh chơi game khác thì bình thường.Mong trợ giúp
Mech Arena not loading on Samsung Galaxy Tablet. Have spent lots of money on it. Tries to load and says App keeps closing. How's back to play button. Uninstalled, re-instasled, cleared data and cache, hard reboot. Same problem. Please fix.
Mech Arena not loading on Samsung Galaxy Tablet. Have spent lots of money on it. Tries to load and says App keeps closing. How's back to play button. Uninstalled, re-instasled, cleared data and cache, hard reboot. Same problem. Please fix.
Every time i press battle it says "failed to start battle please try again." Iv tryed EVERYTHING i reset ALL of my progress tryed using other peoples wifi still dosent work. The internet connection is good under 80 ping but it still dosent work WHYYYYYYYY?!?!?
When I load into a game it loads for a while then it shows an error and I can't play.I tested it on many devices but the same problem kept occasionally coming.please fix it 8-11-23
the game is continually crashes in the middle of battles and when I watch ads too.
Everything is Russian not English Fix it NOW
Network error
Game won't load past "CHECKING RESOURCES"
The game just saying on loading and will not load all the way so I can play.
If i start the battle i can find any match and the time is up to 5 min it only 30 sec to find a match and i can find any battle. fix the battle time. Because if i start the battle it to long to find a match
I've got a Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 and there is literally nothing but mech arena on it and yet it wont even load into the hanger from the login screen. I have spent far too much money on this game to now suddenly not be able to play it on a decent tablet. Y'all need to fix this issue or find that refund button of yours and reimburse me for the money your new update has now made a waste of to me.
Hello, the application loads for me, I enter the hangar without problems, but when I want to start a battle, I cannot enter any battle, the countdown exceeds the limit and it says an error, please help, thank you my email
de fiecare data când ies si intru în joc, îmi arata un panou cu un buton si nu e nimic.
Blank sign in page, cannot sign in.
Mech Arena opens for me, but after 4 games I couldn't play anymore, it says: Failed to start the battle. Please try again. I try it many times and it doesn't work.
Un able to play the merch Arena mobile app version due to the new update version is cause a major glitch with the app keep getting error message left and right say failed to load the game then failed to connect to the server and then it keeps saying my internet speed is very unstable and there nothing wrong with my internet or it's speed my internet speed is 144+ and when I try to stream my game live on twitch it completely disconnected me from the game server say ping failed lost connection please try again later than it keeps kicking me out of the app please stop all these new update version your completely breaking the whole app where it being to be not mobile user friendly anymore. It's a good game but I am getting sick off tired of all these updates and gameing issues it's getting real old and very irritated.
I m playing from PC I cant open that when I open my pc.But if I unistall and reinstall the game I can play with no problem
Crashes on iPad during game play. Only started occurring today. Plus more frequent than usual connection errors.
Crashes during game play
Tremendous lag from the moment it says 'loading ha,ngar'.
Unable to launch the game. Getting network error message.
Network error (auth web:1)
Game is not Launching. I press "Play" then it shows "Running" and nothing happens. Button shows Play again.
Game is not Lauching. I press "Play" then it shows "Running" and nothing happents. Button shows Play again.!
Can't get past loading screen , me my husband and daughter have 3 different accounts all doing same thing.
when I hit play it says launching for one sec and then running when nothing is running I deleted it for 1 one day and it's still not working.
Game won't now run on my pc but it has done until today?
I just finished playing against the bot lobbys and would now start to play normal games. Got everything set up, a beefy pc, very strong and stable internet and yet, when I start the search for a game, it goes up to 12-13 seconds and then it throws me out, back to my hangar. I had the same issue some months ago on my tablet.
on launch says to download an update but it wont update
Connection lost again and again lost 3 tournament matches due to Connection lost problem. Today your serve done a maintenance after its continues doing
Mech Arena on Galaxy A7 tablet, Installed, Go to play app, Buffer circle at bottom of screen Authenticcating, After a while Network Error (auth web:14) pops up. What is this?
Frequent network connection errors. In the middle of games, error message appeared and the next moment, my mech and a few other mechs just died. On the kill list it showed no killer. Just a skull sign and the screen names of the ones being killed.
Can't get to deathmatch screen
When I click on the game it does not load me in - instead it times out. This occurs for all game types including control points, death matches and tournaments. My friend is having the same issue on their PC.
I am trying to open mech arena in my PC but it is not opening. I am using plarium play . When I click on play it shows Launching and then running and play . It is not ag all opening
I am trying to open Mech Arena in my PC, but it is not opening. I am using plarium play . When I click on play it shows Launching and then running and play, kept doing the same thing over & over again but still, it wont start.
I am trying to open mech arena in my PC but it is not opening. I am using plarium play . When I click on play it shows Launching and then running and play . It is not ag all opening
I can't get my rewards getting this pop-up global event try to get reward for opened status
It keeps saying “connecting to server” but I have full signal and my wifi is strong. I don’t know what the fucking deal is but I love this game!!! Something don’t get fixed I’m deleting it and going to something else damnit!!!
It won't allow me to play,it kicks me out before I can play
Its not even loading on my pc its shows 1 SINGLE window of a black screen the it opens plarium play. But it's okay yesterday.
Game crashes when starting it from Plarium play, when it doesn't crash, u cant get into a game.
Game not launching on Plarium for me and multiple friends since yesterday (was fine two days ago)
wont even load I had no issue yesterday I have the latest version
Hi, I load up plarium and mech arena has an update, so I can't open mech arena, then as it updates, it shuts down, I've tried re-installing and restarting, anything I should try?
when ever i go into a battle right when I choose my mech I get kicked out of the game
A bug
It doesn’t load it crashes on my iphone
It doesn’t load , it keeps crashing
It’s showing me the same screen over and over again!
Working perfectly yesterday then today im unable to login to the game. Itll say "launching" then goes back to saying "play"
Always spooling and not loading
The screen is black. Very frustrating since I spent a fortune yesterday buying things on it for my grandson. We have rebooted I pad and disconnected from WiFi and reconnected. What else can we do to ensure all the money I have spent on your game is not wasted!
Can load into a battle dosnt matter what mode I select, turned phone off and on, turned data off and on.
When I try to login my screen just goes black.
After battle I see pilot XP given then game crashes and I don't get any game xo
After every match after the pilot xp rewards screen my screen goes blue and freezes. Music still playing in the background but I get the blue screen of death. Only way to fix is to close the game completely out and reload the game. This has been going on for a few days now and it happens after every match.
Searching players status timeout...and no battles
Black screen, game not loading
A user from Russia reported a problem with Mech Arena: not working
A user from Germany reported a problem with Mech Arena: server connection
A user from Kazakhstan reported a problem with Mech Arena: not working
A user from United States reported a problem with Mech Arena: server connection
A user from India reported a problem with Mech Arena: server connection
A user from France reported a problem with Mech Arena: not working
A user from Hungary reported a problem with Mech Arena: server connection
A user from Ukraine reported a problem with Mech Arena: not working
A user from New Zealand reported a problem with Mech Arena: not working