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If you're having problems with Kick the Buddy too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Kick the Buddy and solve the Kick the Buddy not working issue:
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by Sejan 1 year ago
Why show under construction
by Dee 1 year ago
I am playing KTB in the portuguese version, but every single text box has "Portuguese_Loc**" in it. It is happening ever since it updated. Also, i agree with people who are saying apmost everything is under construction. I'd rather play the prototype than a version where you don't even see the name of the object you are picking. —Dee
by Rares 1 year ago
why is almost every weapon under construction?
by ... 2 years ago
Whenever i click something, Like tools or something it says under construction.
by Nrf330 2 years ago
It won't open and it keeps kicking me out
by Vaness 2 years ago
Not downloading not working
by austinc62 2 years ago
items I won watching videos are all under construction since updated.