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Our users reports indicate that there are no current problems with Galaxy Attack .
If you're having problems with Galaxy Attack too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Galaxy Attack and solve the Galaxy Attack not working issue:
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by Qumar 1 year ago
I'm opening the game it's opening also but when I clicking Play button it's not coming game is not coming 😭
by Arleen 1 year ago
Diamonds not being counted for, lost my 10 gold keys and gold chest, lost drone tickets, not letting me watch ads to get energy or coins or diamonds, , pvp end of season lost all what I got for it, it’s just not working like it usually does ,
by George Grafakos 1 year ago
The game works perfectly only with Wi-Fi connection but I can’t play any pvp game or anything else that needs internet connection when using data only. I have an iPhone 14 pro max. I have verified that the data option in the game (in iPhone settings) is enabled
by Flyerguy 2 years ago
As soon as the game loads and the home screen comes up it crashes