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Our users reports indicate that there are no current problems with Dream League Soccer 2022 .
If you're having problems with Dream League Soccer 2022 too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Dream League Soccer 2022 and solve the Dream League Soccer 2022 not working issue:
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by Abdullahi 1 year ago
My dream league is not functioning and I want to so please open my dls game . Thank you
by Eric Munyiri King'ara 2 years ago
The server isn't responding anymore since yesterday .
by cUbanN 2 years ago
Estava num jogo online, entretanto num lance de jogo, era para ser assinalado fora de jogo e não foi, dai o adversário ter marcado. Tenho prints do lance em causa, se quiserem até mando. P.s lance destaca se bem porque o avançado estava mesmo longe dos defesas e não o árbitro não assinalou fora de jogo. Perdi o jogo.
by Withiery 2 years ago
So I bought a player (I cannot remember which one but I noticed that I had enough money for another but when I bought the first player I wanted all my money was gone and calculations were incorrect. Today I bought another player he was a left middle and he isn't in my roster and my money is taken with!!!!