Is Army Commander Down?

Battle ready your troops! It’s time to conquer the enemy’s land! Fight for your right to defend your nation as the commander in chief. Your only goal is to capture the enemy’s flag by building your soldiers and stations

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How to Solve Army Commander Down or Outage Issues

Our users reports indicate that there are no current problems with Army Commander .

If you're having problems with Army Commander too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Army Commander and solve the Army Commander not working issue:

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Recent Outage Reports

by Neil   1 year ago

My rank is Conqueror of the world. I have destroyed all the enemies but cannot capture the flag

by Derrik   2 years ago

After capturing flag in first level, cannot progress past the screen showing 'next level' button, which does nothing when pressed.

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Is Army Commander safe?
Yes Army Commander is Safe according to Google Safe Browsing

Game Excerpt

Army Commander, Is Army Commander game Down? Is Army Commander Down?
Game description
Battle ready your troops! It’s time to conquer the enemy’s land! Fight for your right to defend your nation as the commander in chief. Your only goal is to capture the enemy’s flag by building your soldiers and stations. Amass as many units of tags as you can. The more you collect, the more you can build and the stronger you become. Unlock special upgrades and equipment. Attack and defeat the enemies by using your tanks, bazookas or even fly your planes. Don’t forget to wait for the big drop! A small support from our allies can go a long way. Play this highly addicting game that will ultimately test your strategy skills. Are you ready? There can only be one victor! Game Features: Build your stations Collect as many tags as possible and sell them to unlock each battle station. Rally your troops More stations mean more troops. Gather them all as your first line of defense. Then, attack! Raise your ranks No good deed comes with no reward. As you progress, see yourself graduate to...

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