Are you having issues? Provide feedback to 1945 by selecting the option you are having issues with.
Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with 1945 .
If you're having problems with 1945 too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg 1945 and solve the 1945 not working issue:
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44.44% Contact Match
by Will Rawls 1 year ago
I cannot play level 10. It will not play
by Mohammed Saeed 1 year ago
When I open the game, appear on screen: You must connect to the internet to play 1945 !! ID: 13087840
by Ari kurdi 1 year ago
My game is not working.. (You must connect to the internet to play 1945!) ,when i open play it writes this.
by Yo 1 year ago
Le jeu ne fonctionne pas. Il me dit que je n’ai pas de connexion internet
by gene 2 years ago
U cant start the game without it crashing...been like this for about a week
by Puru 2 years ago
The Game is crashing
by Coolio 2 years ago
Game keeps crashing just after opening since the last software update yesterday
by Miguel 2 years ago
ID: 148092179 Compteur médailles remis à zéro 11000 médailles perdues
by Françoise 2 years ago
Le jeu se bloque après la pub…. Niveau 119
by Johnny 2 years ago
Once again black screen after ads level 120… boring
by Alejandro 2 years ago
En el evento Matsuri han desaparecido mis puntos. Tenía cerca de 3000 y ahora: 0
by Jean François 2 years ago
Écran noir après publicité pour avion suplementaire. Niveau 93
by Miguel 2 years ago
El juego se bloquea cuando hay la reparación de emergencias para obtener un avión extra; dos anuncios y luego pantalla negra. Obligado a reiniciar la aplicación
by Bonjour 2 years ago
Le gros avion qui lance des missiles en gerbes tournoyantes tourne en boucle et ne se détruit pas
by Boing 2 years ago
1945 does not work or crashes when connected to WiFi/mobile data. If I switch off mobile data and WiFi it works without a problem but then I can’t upgrade or promote my plane to make it better. I am selecting a game it’s taking 5 game tags off me to play then crashes and I have to load it all again